Vluchtelingen in Griekenland slapen dagenlang op straat nadat het vluchtelingenkamp in de brand is gestoken.

What we do

Direct relief in times of crisis

The Netherlands Refugee Foundation provides emergency aid to refugees and displaced people in the world’s most critical humanitarian crises. In times of crises, we provide medical care, shelter, food and drinking water. People in need can also count on us in protracted crises, with education, psychosocial support and de-mining of residential areas.

mensen op de vlucht in DRC
Portretfoto van Tineke Ceelen
Tineke Ceelen
Director, The Netherlands Refugee Foundation

In 2023 we assisted more than 1,3 million people in 32 countries with humanitarian aid.

Onderwijs voor kinderen op de vlucht

Long-term humanitarian aid

The nature of crises is changing: they last longer and are more complex and larger in scale. That’s why we also provide long-term humanitarian aid. For example, by providing education in refugee camps or by helping victims overcome abuse and sexual violence.
Stichting Vluchteling